About Gary Jones

Chief Detective Jones started his work career in the East Baton Rouge, Louisiana Sheriff’s Department. He joined the Army in 1977 and was trained as an Army Counter-Intelligence Officer at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. He served as a Credentialed and Badged Counter-Intelligence Officer, in the Federal Republic of Germany for two years, conducting numerous investigations and operations against foreign agents conducting subversion and espionage directed against the United States.  Detective Jones’ served in the United States Army for 28 years with 22 years as a Special Operator at Ft. Bragg, NC. During his service he was assigned in Sept 2001 as the Deputy Director for Military Operations, Counter Terrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency, where he was responsible for the synchronization of Agency and Department of Defense efforts in Afghanistan.

Upon retirement from Military Service, he worked in the Civil Sector as a Defense Consultant until he created his detective service.

Education:  B.S      Louisiana State University, Criminal Justice, Conflict Resolution and Negotiations, Harvard University, Greensboro School of Leadership, Credentialled and Badged Counter-Intelligence Agent, US. Army.  Graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia, Graduate of the Army War College Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Overseas Military Operations: Panama, Haiti, Colombia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.

About Gary Jones

Chief Detective Jones started his work career in the East Baton Rouge, Louisiana Sheriff’s Department. He joined the Army in 1977 and was trained as an Army Counter-Intelligence Officer at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. He served as a Credentialed and Badged Counter-Intelligence Officer, in the Federal Republic of Germany for two years, conducting numerous investigations and operations against foreign agents conducting subversion and espionage directed against the United States.  Detective Jones’ served in the United States Army for 28 years with 22 years as a Special Operator at Ft. Bragg, NC. During his service he was assigned in Sept 2001 as the Deputy Director for Military Operations, Counter Terrorism Center, Central Intelligence Agency, where he was responsible for the synchronization of Agency and Department of Defense efforts in Afghanistan.

Upon retirement from Military Service, he worked in the Civil Sector as a Defense Consultant until he created his detective service.

Education:  B.S      Louisiana State University, Criminal Justice, Conflict Resolution and Negotiations, Harvard University, Greensboro School of Leadership, Credentialled and Badged Counter-Intelligence Agent, US. Army.  Graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia, Graduate of the Army War College Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Overseas Military Operations: Panama, Haiti, Colombia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.